He is also the first of our staff to give players extra skills for the game with a chance that they will get to keep them for ever. One less book to have to carry around to club night. It is nice to have it here for completeness. Professor Fronkelheim - This is a direct reprint from the Necromantic Spike.For 80k it could be worth it for teams with a deep bench to try and keep players on the pitch. There is a 2/6 change he turns KO's into stuns but also a 1/6 he turns them into Casualties! It is an interesting risk/reward here. Mungo Spinecraker - An Orc who tries to give your team Thick Skull.Almost twice the price can only re-roll one Bribe a game and no longer counts as any assistant coaches! He at least still has the bonus to Argue the Call but I am not sure that is enough to make it worth taking him. Fink Da Fixer - He got hit with the Nerf bat hard.Krot Shockwhisker - The Skaven Engineer got slightly and now works on dead players! It is still a 4+ to get a player back for a single drive.

The change of getting extra TRR has now moved to a 1/8 on the Prayers table. The cheer-leading effect is better as you get +D3 and she still counts as 1 if you have none (lets face it who is going to want to roster Cheerleaders).

Galandril Silverwater - A slight cost reduction to 40k and now available to all Elf teams means Dark Elves can also hire her.There is also a slight buff that a roll of 8 is pick two mutations rather than one of the listed pair. Papa Skullbones - He can now be taken by any Favoured or Underworld team opening him up to the likes of Skaven and Goblins.It is one less cheerleader but otherwise the same as last time. Kari Coldsteel - 50k for 2 cheerleaders and a player for a single drive if you are low on numbers.Some of the inducements have had minor alterations and there are a couple I have not seen before. Instead of being taken by an Orc or Dwarf team they are now Badlands Brawl or Worlds Edge.

This section takes all the inducements printed in the old Death Zone and Spike journals and updates them to use the new team special rules. Then we have the new Mercenary rules where the Elf starts with AG 2+ but can increase this by 2 to AG 0+ when AG 1+ is the max allowed!!? There are little things such as Ranulf the Ref still having to "roll higher than the AV of the player" even though the main rule book changes AV 7 to be AV 8+ being everyone else is having to roll equal to AV. Almost everything in the book is a reprint of the 2016 content updated to use the new team special rules. Once again we have a beautifully produced full colour book that is slightly marred by the lack of proof reading.